*RESCHEDULED FOR JULY 16th* - Please RSVP by text at: 503-313-1791 or footprintsandfocus@gmail.com

You know the way children pick up a leaf and look at it? They twirl it with their tiny fingers. They cock their head to view it from a different angle. Suddenly, they run to get a rock of a certain size, shape and color to be added to the leaf somehow. Then, flower petals appear. Now they are squatting with a sharp stick, poking the ground, and with all their tiny might, digging. You hear their whimpers of excitement as their plan comes to fruition. They have an idea; another idea. They are building on their plan. It is getting bigger. The idea has shifted. It is not what it was six minutes ago. It is developing. They move with pride. You feel their joy. Their attention and thoughts are fueling this joy. How did it start? It started with attention to the ordinary. It became awe. It is now joy.
When grown-ups smile at children, this is what they are smiling at. The ability they have to attend, to receive. Are you envious? Can you relate to the joy? This awe?
When was the last time you felt awe, the way the child did when they picked up the leaf? When was the last time you had a plan and you followed through with it? When did you allow yourself to develop a plan? Shift with the changes as your inspiration soaked through you? Finding awe, and joy can be something we put into the conditional. Pie in the sky.
"When I have time I will....".
"If he did ___ then I could...."
So, you can’t remember the last time you felt a snip-it of awe, of joy?
You don’t have time?
Let’s explore that. Let's take some accountability.
When: Sunday, July 16th, 10:00am
Kettle Cove Beach (the secret beach)
Directions: When you get to Kettle Cove Beach, take the path. Follow the green ribbons.
Good to know: This event is for women. There will be snacks. Bring your bathing suit, your sunscreen, a shit ton of water, a blanket or towel to create our communal space. It will silvery skies at first, and then turn hot.
Questions: Call or text Sarah at 503-313-1791 if you have any questions. Feel free to actually call. Let's act like it's 2006. Or email: footprintsandfocus@gmail.com Please RSVP so I can bring adequate munchies.